Channel 5

10,000 BC

A team of Cavemen (and Cavewomen!) were used to promote Channel 5’s new reality TV show ‘10,000 BC‘.

Our tongue-in-cheek shoot involved a small team of authentic-looking Neanderthals appearing at modern day London locations.

Inspired by the show’s marketing, our costumiers crafted realistic outfits consisting mainly of fake fur & leather straps. Our cavemen then hit the streets of London and were seen by thousands of people on their morning commute. Over 6 hours we visited a total of 9 iconic locations, including The London Eye, Abbey Road, Millennium Bridge, Westminster Bridge, Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square.

We even squeezed in a shot with our intrepid cavemen wading ankle deep in the ice-cold Thames.

The show received a huge amount of interest from the national press, including articles in The Guardian, The Telegraph and The Daily Mirror. Additionally. the official trailer gained over 49,000 views

Guerrilla Locations
Years BC

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